Discrimination and Harassment or against certain State and Federal laws; but only under some circumstances.  Are you a person that is part of a protected class of people due to your age? Skin color? Sex? Religious beliefs?  These are examples of protected classes that are protected under the law.

But there are other factors to consider as well.  Did your employer or someone touch you?  Throw something at you? Or did someone shout words of hate in front of others?  All those situations might also be protected under separate laws.

Constitutional laws, both State and Federal, protect us from excessive force and give us other unalienable rights. 

Sexual harassment and sexual assault have even stronger laws that allow you to hold the attacker liable for money damages.  At Hall Law & Associates, we remain judgment free, we listen and we invite you to share your story with us so that we can work together to build a solution. 

You deserve a voice, you deserve to hold your attacker accountable.  Money doesn’t undo the harm; but, money is a tool that helps our clients rebuild their lives and regain their voice.  Therapy costs money, moving to a safer location costs money, leaving a job costs money.  We offer you the right to know your options in a confidential and judgment-free manner. 

Attorney James Hall has prosecuted civil cases against employers, educational facilities, teachers, hospitals, doctors, and even family members that cross the bright line of sexually abusing or otherwise harming our clients.  We offer you our experienced voice when you need it.